Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate this holiday.

I had to dig out some Christmas decorations, since I've packed away a lot of things for an upcoming apartment renovation.  However, my Pigeon lamp is always out.  I found it at a flea market in the mid-seventies in France.

Its inventor, Charles Pigeon, born in 1838, started out as a salesman at Le Bon Marché department store in Paris, where he became a close friend of Ernest Cognacq, who later on became the founder of the Samaritaine department store.  Later, Pigeon became a dealer in cycle and other lamps, and invented the non-exploding (so far mine has not....) gas lamp in 1884, which made him famous and wealthy.

And its light still shines on.


 I have seen this woman frequently in different seasons, seated in the same place near a large open market. She doesn't seem to be askin...