Monday, May 3, 2010

The May flowers April showers brought

Last month Belgrade had a lot of rain. The old saying goes, 'April showers bring May flowers,' and above is the result. Belgrade has been blooming and flowers are in full force now, except for the dandelions, which for the most part, have turned from yellow into puffy white, ready to disperse their seeds at the first wind.

P.S. While doing some spring cleaning, I came upon somethingI'd been given by someone and forgot about. It's a Bower Super Wide .042x lens attachment. Screwed on one of my lenses, it lets me get very up close and personal. On a very wide angle lens, there is vignetting, which in some cases above I cropped out. In the same box with this little pearl was another Merkur .45 digital wide angle with macro, which lets me get even closer...ooooh. Stay tuned.


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?