Wednesday, January 28, 2009

ABC Wednesday "B" is for 'bouquet'

It's still cold, and the forecast is for colder weather, but that doesn't stop the mimosa sellers. Acacia dealbata, known as Patio Mimosa or Silver Wattle, is not actually a true mimosa. Be that as it may, the plant's feathered foliage with masses of vibrant yellow flowers are a sign of spring for many. Last weekend I saw many happy people buying these bright yellow bouquets.

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MuseSwings said...

What a beautiful splash of color against the rainy day background! I've not seen those flowers here. Do they have a scent? Mimosa...hmm that sounds good about now...let me go pick a couple of those oranges.... Want one? Be ready in about 5 minutes.

Wolynski said...

Very interesting. I knew nothing about Belgrade. Thistle and mimosa sellers... beautiful.

Bob Crowe said...

Bibi, this is a really good picture. I like the little tilt. I like the gray but not B&W setting with the splash restrained yellow. The vendor's expression and dress are interesting. All in all, an excellent street portrait.

Also, I really appreciate photoblogs that post bigger sized pictures. It's so much easier to see detail and get the overall sense.

raf said...

Bouquets of the promise of spring are such a welcome sight this time of year, Bibi! Love the subtle shades of color for this image and your choice for the B post.

Jane Hards Photography said...

The optomistic yellow against the grey reality is very striking. His expression is so intense with that sideways glance. I can see a book in the making....

Richard Lawry said...

Great photo. The yellow really pops against the almost monotone background

An Arkie's Musings

Rinkly Rimes said...

The wattle is THE Spring flower here in Australia. It looks great with the jacaranda.

soulbrush said...

i don't know quite how you do this, all grey and then wham that yellow shines through. you are a genius with that camera, i have always said so.

Thérèse said...

Avec quelques branches de chardons et de sapins: quel bouquet! Parfait pour oublier la grisaille extèrieure.

Anonymous said...

Nice picture - and yes, I'd buy them too!

Marie-Noyale said...

Exquisite!! a big splash of yellow in Mid winter grey!!
My Mom in Brittany told me hers is in bloom too

Carol said...

Great photo...I love the look on his face....and the absence of color except for the soft yellow...

vero said...

Wow, beautiful yellow bouquet.

marley said...

The bright yellow really stand sout from the grey wet background. Nice photo :)

Anonymous said...

What a neat picture, the only color coming from the mimosas. I can almost smell them now!

Branka M.

Jilly said...

Your wattle is early and you are further north than us. I adore this man's expression - super portrait.

Tumblewords: said...

Beautiful pop of color against the rainy background. The word mimosa has a wonderful feel to the tongue. Excellent post!

Tash said...

Absolutely wonderful photo. The expression, the monochome setting with the colorful mimosa. Just great.

Nomad said...

I love Mimosa!! I lived in Serbia 10 years ago and even now when I see Mimosa have the feeling that spring is here :)

Great photo :)


 The  PALACE OF SERBIA, whose official name is the Palace of the Exdcutive Council, is a sprawling building in New Belgrade, and once repres...