Monday, May 18, 2009

A View from the Bridge

Last Friday a romantic young Belgrader wanted to do something special for his girlfriend of one year. With the help of a friend who owns a restaurant, he arranged for that friend to set up a small table and two chairs on Branko's Bridge from where this photo was taken. The friend was to serve the surprised young lady and her boyfriend dinner from his restaurant while they both enjoyed a view of the sun setting over the Sava Bridge that you see here. True love never runs smooth, and a concerned motorist called the police when the restaurant owner was setting up the table and chairs, assuming he was going to jump (?). The police put a damper on the boyfriend's plan, but not the romance, and the two lovers + the owner headed to his restaurant. (Sorry for the blur, but despite my having used a tripod, there's a lot of vibration from traffic on Branko's Bridge!)


Anonymous said...

Wow, I think it was a beautiful idea. A bit risky, but it proved her that he'd do anything for her.

Lowell said...

Great shot - super colors. Wonderful story. A little blur makes the train go faster!

yudikris said...

Terrific shot and ehm... touching story :).... It's very nice to know the story behind the pic, and that's make your photo even more live! You did it so well!


Julie said...

gorgeous! color and composition are superb

Hilda said...

Aaw, sorry to hear the boyfriend's plan didn't push through. It would've been so romantic! Silly motorist.


Jane Hards Photography said...

Well now, I am a sucker for a bridge. What a romantic idea if not outcome.

Marie Reed said...

That was good that the motoristwas worried but jeez louise.... Do jumpers really always bring tables and chairs with them! Yeahhh for this neat story!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

what a lovely thought the young man had ;)
like your bridge shot.
have a wonderful evening.

soulbrush said...

the blur adds to it, after all life is always a bit blurred when one is in love...

marley said...

And who said romance ws dead?! Shame about the good samaritan!

Frank said...

Delightful, romantic story. I hope the young man has starting planning again and this time covers all the possibilities...including the police.

Tash said...

A story with a 'hepi end'! Gorgeous photo, I also love the color you caputured.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.