Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Underwear is Everywhere...|

"Underwear is Everywhere," by Barry Louis Polisar is the title of one of my favorite kids' songs, and I'm pasting the lyrics below. Some people who live in apartments here don't have a terrace, so they hang out their laundry where they can! Here are the lyrics, but they're so much better with music:

Underwear is everywhere but mostly underneath.
Usually you can't see what goes on beneath
Ragged clothes, evening gowns or the finest three-piece suit.
Underwear is everywhere; there is no substitute.
Everyone is equal when it comes to underwear,
Because beneath your underwear it's just yourself that's there.
Everyone wears underwear -- or at least they should.
Underwear is lots of things, but mostly it is good.
Some like the feel of cotton.
I share this belief.
Likewise I don't like boxer shorts, give me a pair of briefs.
Some don't like to talk about it, that's because they're shy.
People laugh at underwear, but I do not know why.
"Now don't use bleach on underwear."
That's what my mom will say.
"Cause bleach will eat the fabric and soon they'll wash away."
Underwear with lots of holes, is a sorry sight.
Look around and try to see who's wearing theirs too tight!
Underwear is everywhere but mostly underneath.
Usually you can't see what goes on beneath
Ragged clothes, evening gowns or the finest three-piece suit.
Underwear is everywhere; there is no substitute.

ADDENDUM: You really HAVE to check out Sajkaca's post about the building(s) where I took this photo. Click here.


Lowell said...

What a fun song...never heard it the photo, too. I guess you must make do with what you have! But what if it rains?

Thérèse said...

Quite a match between display,frame and music!

b.c. said...

nice one, funny song too :)

Sajkaca said...

I love that building (look here:
that acts like an interesting scenario for whatever people display!

soulbrush said...

what a great sight, it matches the one i have with the 'big bloomers' strung all across the street. never heard that song, what fun.

soulbrush said...

a would you like to 'swap' some of your photos (cut into 2.5"x3.5" (as an atc card) with me for some of my atc cards? you know how much i love your stuff and would love to have some in this size for my atc collection...

Marie Reed said...

hehehe! I hang my undies up outside too:) I like the sunshiney smell they get!

ninja said...

ha ha ha hilarious photo!

LA / nodecaf said...

I am lovin' the lyrics and the photo is a hoot!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

had to chuckle when i saw the under garments hanging in the window. they were framed so nicely. loved the song lyrics too :)
have a lovely day.

Iiiii said...

:))) to je tzv. televizorka na Novom Beogradu, ako me sjecanje ne vara!?!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Oh that would never happen here. What a funny little song. Homage to underwear I like.

Jilly said...

What a hoot! The photo and the poem. And thanks for the link - that is one strange building.

Jilly said...

I'd forgotten this, Bibi, even tho I see I left a comment. Absolutely 'snap' with Menton today. Great minds...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.