Wednesday, August 11, 2010

ABC Wednesday--"D" is for "docker"

The tall, dark, and handsome type. I had never, ever seen this statue before until I went to catch the cruise ship along the Danube the other week. The sign below the statue was well worn, so I couldn't read much about this dock worker, or who the sculptor was.

Check out other D's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Very Greek looking style.

Jingle said...

special style there,cute image!

photowannabe said...

Amazing muscles and powerful hands. Beautiful sculpture.

James said...

I thought it was Iggy Pop for second. :)

Verna Luga said...

I read a lot of things about this place both good and not so good, but through your lens seems like its a great place...

It's cold there... and I stamped here about 10 minutes to 3 of AM there or PM ...

My ABC Wed here

Olivier said...

trtes belle statue de ce docker, tres realiste

Rajesh said...

Beautiful sculpture.

Gaelyn said...

Dam fine physique. said...

I like how you've captured his silhouette against the stark sky Bibi.

☺lani☺ said...

A nice one for D team! Have a nice day!

Roger Owen Green said...

DARK DOCKER on the DANUBE. Great shot.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

mrsnesbitt said...

Coming from the North East of England dockside workers are an important element of our history so I would be interested to find out more - I am sure the dock workers would have had links with our area!

Thanks so much for contributing
ABC Team

Kim, USA said...

Very well sculpted, I really like it great shot!

ABC Wednesday~D

B SQUARED said...

I have to agree with James, Iggy Pop.

Daryl said...

He looks strong ... Ironman!

Leo said...

bold sculpting here..! good photograph..!

Tumblewords: said...

Detailed sculpture - it's wonderful!

Alexa said...

Now that's a sexy stevedore!

Tash said...

Oh, my.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.