Sunday, January 2, 2011

Norbulingka Institute. Dharamsala

Jumping around a bit in my trip. This beautiful face of Buddha is from a statue made by artisans at the Norbulingka Institute in Dharamsala, India. The institute is for the preservation of Tibetan culture.


Louis la Vache said...

A beautiful image it is, indeed, Bibi!

All best wishes to you this New Year.

Alexa said...

What a wonderful image of this peaceful Buddha. Not an emotion worthy of him, but I do envy you the chance to visit Dharamsala.
Hope 2011 is a very good year for you, Bibi! said...

I love how the face is modeled. It looks as if you can see the impressions of the artisans hands on its surface. Beautifully done.
Happy New Year Bibi!

Gaelyn said...

I like it!

Bergson said...

elle a trop fait d'excès au réveillon ;_)

Excellente année à toi et ta famille

Richard Lawry said...

A great photo of one of the many faces of Buddha. Happy New Year.

An Arkies Musings

Tash said...

Fantastic frame-filling face.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.