Sunday, January 23, 2011

SUNDAY BRIDGES--Trajan's Bridge will reappear

I couldn't believe this article when it appeared in the newspaper three days go. Serbian archeologists and engineers are working on a hologram to be projected over the Danube river about 260 miles southeast of Belgrade on the Romanian border to reproduce parts of a Roman bridge that once stood on the spot.

The original structure was built in 105 AD by Emperor Trajan as a supply route for the Roman legions fighting in Dacia province (part of present-day Romania), and measured 1,135 metres (3,724 feet) . Although demolished some 150 years later, it held the record for more than 10 centuries as the longest arch bridge to have ever been built.

The hologram will show a replica of the original bridge for a length of 150 to 200 metres (yards). Pumps will be used to spray a fine mist of water droplets, allowing a laser beam to project the image of the bridge. The article says this project will be finished before 2012, but like most things here, that may not be so. Anyway, I'll be one of the first to go see it!

The photo above, taken a few years ago, shows the area near which the bridge will 'appear'. On the right of the photo you see a Romanian monastery, and on the other side of the Danube, Serbia.

See more bridges, most likely those already in place, at Louis La Vache's Sunday Bridges.


Gaelyn said...

What an awesome idea! I want to see it, even if it's your photo.

Louis la Vache said...

Very good, Bibi!
In a sense, both you and «Louis» have bridges in the mist.

Luis Gomez said...

It would be really great to see that hologram bridge there.

Lesley said...

What a cool idea! How long would this hologram be visible, did the article say?

VioletSky said...

now, that would be an attraction sure to draw in people from all over the world!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

That will be some special bridge and I bet that you will be one of the first to post a blog photo! Beautiful shot even without the misty bridge...


genie said...

I am the other Genie from Virginia. This is the coolest idea I could imagine. Once it is completed you will have to share it with us. Your commentary is so interesting.

Unknown said...

what an awesome idea! that would be something to watch out for.

Pat said...

Lesley, it didn't say how long the bridge would be visible, but my guess is that it wouldn't be permanently visible,but rather 'shown' at given times.

Tash said...

What a great idea. I'd wanna join you to see that! (PS -- I recognized Derdapsku Klisuru from other photos I've seen of it. Just marvellous.)

Lowell said...

How very interesting! Are you gonna take photos?

Debby Rose said...

What a gorgeous canyon and shot. And, how interesting. Look forward to photos of it!

biebkriebels said...

That is an interesting story about a "virtual" bridge. Nice scenery.

Thérèse said...

Something to look forward to, "no risk" involved! :) said...

I can't wait to see your pictures of it!

Tanya Breese said...

wow, that is about the coolest thing i've ever heard! can't wait to see the finished product....beautiful view by the way!

Virginia said...

I will be honest, I don't know how that's going to work but I trust you will have photos and lots of em for us!

Pat said...

Hi, Virginia.

Laser projections work (been to Disneyland?) but I think this one of course will not be permanent, but rather 'shown' at various times. Like I said, they didn't give a deadline date, so if it's like other things here, it may be a while! But I'll be among the first to snap!

Alexa said...

You are undoubtedly the first to post a "bridge-to-be"—and I'm already looking forward to seeing it. What a cool idea!

Jilly said...

How incredible that will be! Such a beautiful shot without a bridge but with the hologram - well I'm looking forward to that.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.