Monday, January 24, 2011

Too late for mistletoe?

Mistletoe is really hard to get, since it grows so high up in the trees. Place your orders with these birds for next Christmas now!


Gaelyn said...

We have so much mistletoe I always think of gathering and selling it at Christmas time, but no berries.

Luis Gomez said...

Bibi, what a great image. I kind of love the lack of colors. Nice, very nice.

Olivier said...

superbe photo, on a froid pour les oiseaux en regardant ta photo

Louis la Vache said...

Yes! Order early!

Carraol said...

Great image of this lovely couple!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I wonder if they will make a nest in there... It looks ready for occupancy!

Misfit in Paradise said...

In the south, the custom is to SHOOT it out of the trees. Southerners do love their guns.

Pat said...

Ha! Misfit, that's good! Hope they give the birds warning.... ;) said...

that is quire the birds nest. Those two have been busy eh?

Lowell said...

So that's where mistletoe comes from. I don't think I ever even though about it. Probably figured it was just a bush of some kind. I think I was always more concerned about the possible effect mistletoe could create!

Thérèse said...

I am just hoping these birds find a way inside the misletoe... it looks cold!

Alexa said...

I will do that! And while I'm at it I'll put in an order for a good kisser to drag under it. :~}

Daryl said...

What a wonderful photo!!!!!

Jilly said...

This is just delightful. I wonder if they are thinking to nest IN it!

Bergson said...

on s'embrasse lorsqu'on se croise sous le gui


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.