Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sunday Bridges....somewhere...dunno where...

Leaving Kopaonik ski resort, traveling by bus with my son-in-law while the other members of my family returned to Belgrade by car.  No idea where this bridge is. I snapped it from the bus.

See other bridges on Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
«Louis» will tell you where it is.
It is on your blog and on his...
«Louis» thanks you for contributing this mystery bride to Sunday Bridges!

Gaelyn said...

I really like this bus by shot. Bridges have such character.

Andy said...

This is a neat capture. I like the way you made the rust stand out.

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful shot Bibi! Very nice capture.

Jim said...

Marvellous. I thought it was a painting.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

TheChieftess said...

wonderful shot Bibi!!!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!