Friday, September 20, 2013

SKYWATCH--a little bit of symmetry, sort of....

Bright blue sky over this sort-of symmetrical building.  It's one of the last old ones left standing in an area cleared for more modern buildings.

See other skies on SKYWATCH.

Daily Haiku

Destruction threatens
Two slanted roofs and chimneys
Still pleading skyward


Jim said...

Great shade of blue.

Bev said...

Great picture and beautiful blue sky

TheChieftess said...

Really nice shot Bibi!!! Love the color contrast and the composition!!!

Indrani said...

Nicely composed shot! said...

I like how you've composed this Bibi - a wonderful study in contrasts.

Gaelyn said...

I like the lines.

Tash said...

Love the proportions of the old building to the big sky.
Even here, "old" buildings are being leveled to make room for more condos.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.