Thursday, September 19, 2013

Can winter be far behind....?

It's not quite officially fall yet, but those who heat with wood have already started their stockpile.  This photo of a terrace in downtown Belgrade is definitely loaded.  The occupants of the apartment most likely heat with a tile stove like the one you can see on this link. (scroll down on that link a few photos) They are not only attractive, but very efficient, though of course the advent of central heating in many apartments has brought about their demise.  We had one once, but since our apartment was small, we took it out to save place and used another kind of heater.

Daily Haiku

Leaves are not yet brown
But winter's shadow darkens
Firewood on porch 



PASTORAL said...

Interesantes imágenes las de tu blog. ¡Un saludo desde Granada! said...

it's gotten very chilly here! I don't know why I get surprised by this every September when it happens. Last night I had to add a blanket to my bed & find my wooly sleeping socks. When I woke this morning Priscilla had her back nuzzled next to my neck. I guess she was chilly too.

Olivier said...

au rythme ou cela va, on aura pas d'automne, directement l'hiver, donc il est en effet temps de faire sa reserve.

Thérèse said...

Just lucky enough to have a balcony strong enough to bear such a load.

Luis Gomez said...

Getting chilly around here as well.

Lynette said...

You have a great post today.

Lowell said...

Our daughter lives in Colorado and her husband has been stockpiling firewood for some time. They have a wood stove and it takes lots of wood over the winter!

We have a very cool electric fireplace. It actually warms up the living room on a cool winter know when the temp dips way down into the 50s.

Alexa said...

These folks are well-prepared! Seems like just yesterday that we were all sweltering, doesn't it? I'm quite enjoying the cool weather, but not really looking forward to the time when a stack of wood would come in handy. :~}

TheChieftess said...

Heater and pellet stove have both been turned on in the past two weeks...even at 3 this afternoon!!!

Gaelyn said...

Won't be long before the warming fire needs to take away winter's chill.

Chuck Pefley said...

Bibi, I hadn't seen this. Lovely even colored dry wood ready and waiting for the snow to fly beyond the balcony. Only wish my woodpile was as seasoned as this one. Love heating with wood!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.