Monday, December 8, 2014

Home remedy

When you've been battling a virus like I have with just about everything known to modern science, sometimes it doesn't hurt to turn to home remedies....made myself some garlic soup today, and before I did, I got out the camera.  It's always out.


William Kendall said...

Quite an artistic interpretation of what would otherwise be an ordinary object!

Lowell said...

Did you also make chicken noodle soup?

Love the photo. Maybe you could get a job as a food photographer.

Luis Gomez said...

Very nice! Hope you feel better soon!

Gaelyn said...

Excellent stillife. If chicken won't kill this bug then garlic certainly should.

Olivier said...

tres belle photo, le fond noir fait bien ressortir l'ail

Indrani said...

Garlic are a boon in life!
Great capture of it!

paul said...

It will be a tasty meal at least - and on top of it will keep the vampires away!
Fine picture!

Alexa said...

Of course it is. And I hope your beautifully shot remedy was successful!

Thérèse said...

Ce virus a la vie dure j'ai l'impression.
As-tu essaye: infusion de pelures de pommes avec du thym (frais) dans la journee et jus d'un demi-citron dans de l'eau chaude avec un peu de miel une heure avant de manger quoi que ce soit le matin?

Kate said...

Garlic soup? Never tried it but since I use garlic in everything, I should like it!!


 Got off the bus on  BRANKO'S BRIDGE , looked over the railing, and with my camera I froze all the action below.