Friday, April 18, 2008

"Belgrade is the world!"

From April 16th to the 19th Belgrade is holding its annual celebration "Days of Belgrade." This year, the theme is "Belgrade is the World," and so the city has been divided into four compass points, each celebrating in a different way on one of the four days. For example, the western part of the city (New Belgrade) has been deemed "California/Hollywood," and the Faculty of Drama there organized a day-long film program. There was a best Hollywood star look-alike competition, and the winner won win a trip to Hollywood for two. Not sure yet who it was!

This big globe floats over Slavija Circle downtown. The Circle is home to the first McDonald's ever built in Eastern Europe, which was behind me in this photo. You've seen one anyway, right?


Chuck Pefley said...

Yes, i've seen a couple of big Mac's -:) Interestingly I ate at one in both Milan and Paris. My defense is that it was quick and convenient at the time. Your "world" event sounds interesting. Perhaps you have won the trip to Hollywood?

Pat said...

No such luck with the trip. Imagine the winner is in today's paper, but when I walked my dog very early a.m. (yawn), they weren't out yet.

magiceye said...

Symbolic of globalization! Heres wishing you have won that trip!

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

I have a picture of this globe all ready to upload. Oh well....But I took mine from the other side of the square so it should be alright. :)

Pat said...

Oh, sorry! Just goes to show we really are on each other's heels...I was going to photograph the big Hollywood sign on the Drama Faculty...hop over there?

Anonymous said...

Right. McDonalds is not big like it was at one time at least around here. None are closing but then none are swamped with people and kids like they once were.

I enjoyed reading about the celebration days. Nice that they do this.

Dan said...

Gosh, I hate to thing that when Serbians think about american culture they thing of Hollywood!

This event looks as if it was great fun, despite the dreary day.

Jane Hards Photography said...

"Days of Belgrade" sounds like a wonderful little event.It's always interesting seeing how we view either other's world.

We only have one small McDonalds here. It is typically Manx though in outlook. The concept of "fast food" does not exsist.

Thérèse said...

Is McDonals still there? I thought it has closed...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.