Saturday, April 19, 2008


It started out as a gray day here today, so to brighten things up, I couldn't help but post this amusing (at least for the viewer) billboard advertising an alum spray for cuts. Poor guy. Looks like he needs to change his razor--his wife probably has been using it, or at least that's what my husband says if his razor is dull.


Chuck Pefley said...

Well that's usually the reason for a dull razor at my house-:)

magiceye said...

lol! good one!

Anonymous said...

Oh lordy. Alum spray for cuts? You got to be kidding. Gillette needs to get over there and set up shop with Burma Shave.

Pat said...

As a kid, I used to love reading Burma Shave roadside rhymes.

Dan said...

Lol, this is great. That poor guy. I hate it when my wife uses my razor. Just the thought of her leg hair in my razor makes me cringe. On the other hand, I like her to have smooth legs. I guess life is full of tradeoffs ;)

Have a great weekend.

Petrea Burchard said...

I remember the Burma Shave signs, too, Bibi. My husband and I still joke about them.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!