It's theme day and the theme is "water"! These are seltzer bottles, empty at the moment, but which can be filled with carbonated water, also known as sparkling water, plain water into which carbon dioxide gas has been dissolved. Nowadays hardly anyone uses these classic bottles, but there are still a few stores around town where you can take yours (if you still have one...) to be filled to add to white wine to make wine spritzers. Otherwise, most people opt to use already the Serbian bottled naturally sparkling water, Knjaz Miloš (Kuh-NYAZ MEE-lush), named for a Serbian prince, which comes from mountains near Arandjelovac (Ah-ron-JEL-o-vats). Quite a mouthful of words to pronounce today!
I have a large collection of these, so when I saw your photo on the CityDailyPhoto.com portal, I had to stop by! Wonderful shot!
how nice...
in some of the rural areas in india we still have similar bottles which have marbles that act as stoppers!
oh I love the originality of this. Just beautiful bottles and lovely photograph.
They disappeared from use over here years ago - they make a great photo, though!
A very very nice take on the theme ! We have these bottles in France but they are collectibles now and worth a fair bit of money. If you have some, keep them!
I love your original interpretation. Nice blues.
Great perspective on water.
Beautiful job on the lighting, composition, mood and theme today, Bibi!
Bibi, Absolutely gorgeous blue seltzer bottles! This is so attractive and fun to see. The only thing my husband hated about leaving Northern California was that Calistoga sparkling mineral water was not available here. Happy theme day, and congrats on a full month of blogging from Belgrade!
Seattle Daily Photo
we have very similar bootles for "soda" in Hungary. Though I havent seen it for years:)
Budapest Daily Photo
tres belle photo graphique et tres belle couleur. un tres bon choix
Graphic photo tres belle et tres beautiful color. A very good choice
Nice photo very original.
a great photo! and when I think my family has such bottles and threw them away...
Great photo! It reminded me of my childhood..almost every family had those bottles and whenever adults were not around, we kids used them as a special weapon in our 'soda' war.
Cool, blue photo!
J'ai aussi cette bouteille qui vient du restaurant de mes parents, c'est la vie qui pétille ! je suis très surpris des nombreuses réactions à ces bouteilles;
(I have also this kind of bottle, one is from my parent's restaurant,for me this is the symbol of sparkling life ! - I'm very surprised how many comments about these bottles.)
ah, where exactly did you see them? i am looking for them for some time now, but cant find them, or i found just plastic ones!
Hello, Anonymous! I hope you'll see this comment. These were photographed inside a seltzer bottle filling shop just behind Kalenic Market (running perpendicular to Njegoseva; Mutapova maybe?) Sorry I can't tell you the exact street, but walking away from Kalenic on the street, it's just a few doors down on the right. Very small, but you'll see bottles in the window. I don't think they sell the bottles, though, but perhaps you can sweet-talk the lady into parting with one.
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