Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Prince Michael's Street

Prince Michael's Street, or Knez Mihailova ulica (KUH-NYEZ Me-HIGH-Low-va OO-leet-sa) is Belgrade's main walking street. I took a picture yesterday, but goofed and posted this summer one instead! No matter; it's pretty active at any season and hour, full of cafes and restaurants, boutiques, and near a number of old-world hotels. In high tourist season, there are many street sellers too, often selling without a permit and making a mad dash for it with their wares when insepectors pass by, only to reappear a few minutes later.

1 comment:

Petrea Burchard said...

I love learning about Belgrade from you, Bibi. Makes it all seem less foreign, less unfamiliar. A place I'd like to visit. This photo is especially nice with the red flag piercing through it.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.