In Belgrade there's a famous hotel, the Hotel Moskva, or Hotel Moscow, which is 100 years old this year. I'll be posting a photo one of these days, but for the moment, there's a big construction crane behind it, and it would be quite a job to photoshop it out.... It is the only hotel of this name outside Russia, and has witnessed numerous tumultuous events. I love to sit in its newly-renovated but still old-style coffee shop, and my husband and I occasionally have dinner in the restaurant. The other night we did, or sort of, since we asked to sit outside on the terrace. This is my husband's dessert (honest--I had chocolate ice cream), and it's the hotel's specialty called Moskva Šnit (MOSK-vah SHNEET), which translates as Moscow Piece (of cake). I'll be happy to post the recipe soon under my comments for this photo, but I'm warning you.....it calls for 16 eggs!
Interesting looking cake. Full of fruit or nuts? Nice presentation, also. It's not at all "airy" looking, which one might expect if it contains 16 eggs. I'll be watching for the recipe.
That looks delicious. And happily, not all 16 eggs in one piece. Oh, and someone had a bite already - I like that detail.
I've had this before - it is delightful. Looking forward to the recipe being poted!
- A.
16 eggs. Delicious. I cannot wait to see the recipe. The colors are lovely too!
Okay, folks, here's the recipe. I translated it from one I found on the Net in Serbian, and it implies you are familiar with grams (if not,Google equivalents) and that you have some experience cooking!
Moscow Cake
16 eggs
Sugar (500 g)
Cookie crumbs (40 g)
Finely chopped walnuts (40 g)
Ground walnuts (40 g)
Flour (200 g)
Milk (12 dl)
butter (350 g)
Preparation of the layers:
Mix four beaten egg whites with 4 T of sugar, 40 grams of cookie crumbs, 40 grams of chopped walnuts and 40 grams of ground walnuts. Divide into four parts and bake separately. (Four rectangular cake pans? The cake is rectangular usually, but doesn't have to be.)
Mix 16 egg yolks with 16 T. of sugar, then add 8 T of flour and cook slowly together with the 12 dl. Of milk. Separately cream the 350 grams of butter and add it to the cooked pudding mixture.
Fill the layers as follows:
1st crust: cream, cherries
2nd crust: cream, bananas
3rd crust: cream kiwis
4th crust: cream and perhaps decorate with some pieces of fruit
Cool several hours in the refrigerator.
Good luck!
I think that I'll have to invest in a chicken if i bake this one on a regular basis! It looks delightful!
Cherries, bananas and kiwis -- WOW -- that sounds delicious! I don't think I have ever seen a recipe that calls for 16 eggs before either!
Wow. Imagine the cholesterol?
It is presented so beautifully! What a recipe!
Mmmm, I think it is very very good, I like cakes, I'm very greedy!
For sure, I'll go back to your blog when I need information to eat and place to go when in Belgrade. It just so full insight and information about Belgrade.
You are turning into a regular recipe blogger, Bibi!
(Not a bad thing in "Louis's" view!) "Louis" will have to try this, too, but not before he does the krem pita.
This is wonderful, Bibi. Your post and the sixteen egger. I want to taste that cake and Nancy says she'll give a smaller version a go. Thanks for the recipe.
It would be fun this fall to meet on your visit over....look forward to it.
Well written article.
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