Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"R" is for "ringlšpil"

Decided to participate in Mrs. Nesbitt's "ABC Wednesday" this week. "Ringlšpil" is the Serbian phonetic equivalent of the German word for "merry-go-round." There are many words in Serbian borrowed from German and French, not to mention the hundreds of words that came into the language during the Turks' 500-year stay, which began in 1389. This merry-go-round, photographed quite early in the morning, is awaiting its first little customers.


Unknown said...

Nice shot and choice for "R"!

FO - 2 said...

Nice R. Fun.
In Norway we call it "karusell". ;)

My R

imac said...

Ah so thats what you call it, Great round a bout.

Anonymous said...

Great choice for R and great information with it. Have a grea week..

Chuck Pefley said...

Interesting, Bibi, but this isn't what we know in the states as a merry-go-round. Naturally I don't know what we call it, but ours typically are lower with horses and other animals at floor level but travel up and down on poles as the whole merry-go-round spins. I used to love trying to grab the brass ring as we spun around. If you were lucky enough to get the brass ring then you got a free ride. -:) Thanks for all your comments over the past few days. Ciao, Chuck

Anonymous said...

very sweet, I will add your link to my website coming out this weekend, you may check it out

Juliana RW said...

it is fun R...indeed :D

Will you visit mine Thanks

Pat said...

Hi, Chuck. I know this isn't the "horse" type of merry-go-round, but when I Googled "merry-go-round" just to be sure this could be one, a similar photo popped up. I loved to ride the horses (and sometimes other creatures) on the merry-go-rounds when I was little, but now they make me dizzy!

Marie Reed said...

hi bibi! i found you through pdp! this blog is just fascinating. i am looking forward to learning more about serbia! what an adventure!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Another new word learnt today. "Merry-go-rounds" vary around the globe. The horse on poles type are just the most typically used. Very good R choice.

Anonymous said...

And what does it cost to go around and around and get dizzy?

TwD said...

I digged here more than R. Interesting blog! Belgrade is not so far from Sweden, but I've never been there.
Was the Eurovision song contest there?

Pat said...

Thanks, R and J! Yes, the Eurovision song competition is currently being held, so hurry on down!

Louis la Vache said...

The "Ringlspil" seems lonely here in the early morning without the children around!

Daryl said...

Pretty ...


Anonymous said...

I want a ride.

Petunia said...

Great idea and a lovely shot:)

Petunia's ABC

mrsnesbitt said...

All the fun of the fair!

raf said...

Always a joy to stop by your blog, Bibi and learn a new tidbit about cultural diversity in your part of the world. Great photos and always interesting. Thank you for sharing.

nonizamboni said...

Great merry-go-round--so colorful.
It must be spectacular lit up at night.
Thanks for sharing!

Neva said...

Welcome---a bit late this week for me I have been playing catchup!---but I love this shot....although merry go rounds make me as sick as a dog if I ride one or watch it go around.....
Mine is here Neva
and here Neva's2.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.