Wednesday, September 10, 2008

ABC Wednesday---"H" is for "houseboat"

Many Belgraders have weekend homes, small or large, in the nearby countryside, or perhaps a family home in a village farther away. Those who don't often opt for a houseboat, which provides escape from the city especially during the summer, even though you don't have to go far at all. At the present time, there are regulations (safety, sanitary, docking fees, etc.) but like many other laws here, they're often ignored until someone really checks. Not sure of the status of these very different riverside pieces of paradise, but they're second homes to some people! Which one would you like?
To post an ABC Wednesday photo, see:


marley said...

Very practicle. I like the caravan on a raft! Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I hope things are as good as they can be with you and yours :)

Sherrie said...

I've always wanted a houseboat. But, never had one. Great photo!!!

photowannabe said...

I think the biggest one would be the best but I would really like it to not be so close to the others. Not a lot of privacy.
Interesting and perfect choice for letter H.

Louis la Vache said...

The small trailer house on the raft - trés cou rouge! ;-)

Kim from Hiraeth said...

That looks like fun. But I'm not sure I would want a whole summer of living on a boat!

Anonymous said...

slick photo. :) not quite the usual looking houseboats.

MuseSwings said...

Cute photo! I think I like the little one on the right. Plenty of deck space for fishing and picnics and a cozy little place to sleep.

Bear Naked said...

That trailer on the raft is so tiny.
I wonder if little people live there?

Bear((( )))

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

That's a dream !

Chuck Pefley said...

Love that small travel trailer! Very inventive of the owner :)

Rinkly Rimes said...


Here I must certainly raise my voice!
How could there be any choice?
The one with the flowers is the one for me.
And I'm not even a Bumble Bee!

Marie Reed said...

I would love a little houseboat! I've always wanted to tour the canals of France on one:)

angela said...

Well aren't they original? I'd opt for the garden shed raft. I thinks it's got bags of charm..

Virginia said...

I like the shed with the riot of flowers but it looks so very tiny. Is there room to sleep do you think? The large one for comfort I guess. The little camper on the float is hilarious! Three very different abodes. Good find!
Love to you and your family.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I'll take the centre one please. It look so pretty. Novel use for a caravan. said...

I'll take the larger more modern one. It's hard to believe anyone can fit into the smallest one!

Unknown said...

I always thought it would be fun to live on one of these : ). Hope you are having a happy day! God bless.

MuseSwings said...

Bibi - I tagged you for a quirky little game - if you'd like to play, stop over at my blog!

Webradio said...

Bonsoir !

Elle est jolie Ta photo..

Je reviendrai sur ce blog...

nonizamboni said...

Paradise, indeed! Just the word houseboat conjures up 'freedom'to me. . .very interesting post.
Happy ABC Wednesday!

Alexa said...

This almost reminds me of the houses of the Three Little Pigs. Have dreamed of a houseboat, but where to moor it? On the Seine in Paris, the Arno in Florence, somewhere in Venice, the Hudson in NYC, the Thames in London . . .??? Too hard to decide.
(All best to you and yours, Bibi—am thinking of you.)

mrsnesbitt said...

How fascinating, a wonderful adventure awaits?


Reader Wil said...

What a nice second home! It would be great in my waterlogged country to live permanently on a housboat! As a matter of fact: there is already a number of people doing so.

Congratulations on the award Louis gave you! you deserve it!

Gemma Wiseman said...

I think a houseboat is a great idea! It would be a means of staying in one place or moving further along to another spot without too many dramas of traffic! Great pic!

soulbrush said...

has to be the middle one with the pretty flowers, mind you i prefer being on terra firma!

Kim said...

Oh my gosh, the trailer on the raft is just a HOOT! I'm with most, the the one with the lovely beflowered deck would be my choice.
Seattle Daily Photo

marianne said...

Can`t help it but your ¨pictures make me smile!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!