Thursday, September 11, 2008

Have faith.

"Have faith!" is what I thought when I saw this fellow repairing something under his truck. I sure hope he has a good jack or a super-strong guardian angel. This photo is from last fall, but he still parks his truck near our apartment building.


Virginia said...

At least his pants were up.

Sharon said...

Oh wow, I totally agree. I actually cringed when I saw the photo even before I saw your comment.

Anonymous said...

so true. :O yikes.

Marie-Noyale said...

Thanks for your visit to my blog.

So it means he managed to repair his truck if it's still parked near your building!!!

Webradio said...

Bonjour !

Le monsieur, il n'a plus de tête !

Nice shot...

Louis la Vache said...

"Louis" would vote both for a strong jack AND guardian angel!

Stop by and collect your award.... ;-)

Jane Hards Photography said...

I did notice he hadn't got those special "builder's bum " jeans on they seem to wear in the UK. He is either, brave, stupid or a has a deep faith. Rather him than me. Fantastic observational shot. I love these one off shots, natural and barmy.

Marie Reed said...

Holy Moly! He is getting eaten up by that monster of a truck!

Knoxville Girl said...

No, look, he has some kind of extra belt on, thank goodness.
Guess he knows what he's doing. I wouldn't stick my head in there.

Petrea Burchard said...

Faith indeed.

Ha ha, Virginia!

Dan said...

Oh my, I am with sharon on this one. I just cringed as soon as I saw the picture.

lol Virginia! around here we would have seen at least a half-moon!

soulbrush said...

oh my god!!!!

Chuck Pefley said...

An awkward and precarious position, to say the least. Imagine it's a bit uncomfortable as well. Nice catch :)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.