Sunday, November 9, 2008

PUPU lingerie?

Well, if you have to come up with a brand name for lingerie or almost anything else for that matter, PUPU (poo-poo) probably isn't the best one you could think of. At least in English.


Becky said...

Oh, that's great! You are absolutely right. Where does the name come from, do you know?

Virginia said...

I am not LOL I am HOWLING OUT LOUD! That is so priceless. Oh I would so go buy something just to have it to make me laugh. poo poo !!!!

Tash said...

Maybe it can be worn while eating pupu platers in a Hawaiian restaurant - priceless find.

USelaine said...

Susie of Arabia has lingerie on display today too! There seems to be a secret theme going here. 6^) Who knew pu-pu was chi-chi?!

Louis la Vache said...

"Louis" is hysterically ROTFLHAO!!!!


Unknown said...

That's very unfortunate! (What is it's meaning?

The most disturbing store name I ever saw was "Knobs & Knockers", which, rather unsurprisingly, sold door furniture but which should have sold something far more interesting!!

Webradio said...

I'm laughing for this name...
Surprizing !

See You later...

Jilly said...

Quite right. A strange word to an English ear. Love the clash of pink umbrella and orange shop!

MuseSwings said...

This is a hoot! You come up with the most fascinating pictures!

Tea Time With Melody said...

Ha! This is great I would be afraid to be seen walking into a store with that name....

marley said...

Yes, it doesn't do them any favours! Lol :)

Thérèse said...

Qu'est-ce que c'est drôle!

Anonymous said...

hilarious! :D

Chuck Pefley said...


You've really got to be kidding!

Sounds like Tiger and his friends have been up to some tricks on Pooh yet again :)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.