Saturday, November 8, 2008

No fair pushing!

Of course this magpie didn't really give his buddy in front a shove, or did he?


Webradio said...

Very pretty and cute photo Bibi !

Pat said...

Nice photo of the birds, Bibi!


Guelph Daily Photo
Photography Cafe

DeniseinVA said...

A great catch, wonderful photo.

Virginia said...

How in the hell did you catch that??? It's fab!

Chuck Pefley said...

Perhaps he/she did? Or is the lead magpie simply the braver of the two???

Becky said...

If I'm not mistaken, these are not actually magpie. Of course, perhaps in Serbia these birds are in fact known as magpies.

In the U.S. these birds are crows (or ravens - it's hard to tell at this angle).

This is a fantastic action shot. What timing you have! Great post today.

Greg Dimitriadis said...

I agree with Becky, I would all these birds crows too. Magpies in Northern Europe are mostly black with with white wingtips, they make a very nice sight when they flap their wings. You can tell if they are magpies by watching their flight mode. Magpies flap their wings for a few seconds then glide then they flap again etc.

Great picture though!

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Very cute, the crow in the back must have spent a lot of time observing Belgrade public transport. ;)

I also agree with the others, those are crows, specifically hooded crows. Though indeed their coloring is kind of magpie-like!

MuseSwings said...

Nahhh - of course he didn't (wink).
Stop by - I have an award for you on Friday's post.

Pat said...

Thanks for the clarification, folks. I always used to think of crows as all black, but I guess they're not!

marley said...

He probably did! They do fight!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.