Today is Serbian Orthodox Christmas Eve. Although I am not particularly religious in the traditional sense, I did/do observe December 25th and this holiday in honor of my husband. In the top photo you can see the traditional dried fruit, nuts, garlic, oak branch, and pot of wheat grass, all holding special significance you can read more about
here . The bottom photo is of the wheat grass and candle, with "my" Christmas tree behind it. Serbs don't put up trees for Christmas, but do for New Year's, both January 1st and Serbian New Year's (January 13-14th). Never-ending holiday season!
Srećan Božić (SREH-chan BO-zheech) to all of you viewers who celebrate Serbian Christmas.
Hristos Se Rodi i Srecan Bozic svim citaocima !
That is very respectful of you, not that I would expect any less. I wish you all the best.
I have such fond memories of Christmas in Belgrade. "Back then" I would go to Church with my "nana" early in the morning, it was not openly celebrated so it was that much more special. Now that I can take the day off work to observe ... all the pillars of the family are gone.
I hope 2009 finds everyone in good health, I pray for World peace and tolerance....
Branka ...Canada
A nice mix of goodies there!
How nIce to honor your husband's beliefs as well as yours. Best,
It's so wonderful that you keep your husbands traditions alive. You are a very loving person and you can see that family means alot to you. Happy Holidays to you and your family.:)
I'm not religious either but some traditions are nice. You've got some magical bokeh behind that candle!
A wonderful display.
It must be difficult to have to endure such a long season of festivities!!
Anyway - chin up, and merry Christmasses and New Years to you!
All the best
Our friend Marko was always the one reminding us of each celebration coming up and how to celebrate it. Marko has left us and we miss him.
Have a peaceful season Pat.
how beautiful..was your son there with you? hope you are well now.
My Grandfather loved Christmas so much he would clelbrate Dec.25th and Eastern Orthodox Christmas. I really enjoy your candle photo, here!
Always a party somewhere, eh?
Your arrangement of food, grain and branches is quite nice. The sprinkle of grains is a nice enhancement, Bibi.
Merry Christmas, again :)
Beautiful arrangement. Striking picture with the candle. A meaningful, loving tribute to your husband. Best wishes and good cheer to you.
What a drawn out christmas you've had! I was glad to get our tree down on new years day! Enjoy the festivities :)
As we close the festivities yours continue. A lovely way to keep the memories alive of those passed too.
I wish Americans put there trees up later. I never want to take mine down. It's still up actually!
I too live very much outside my native culture. I am half a world and a generation away from the old-country but I am very much still Srpski. My son and I just just discovered your blog and very much enjoy it. He pointed out this photo stating, "Hey mom, that looks just like our table did". Lovely.
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