Monday, January 5, 2009


For the past three days I've been posting photos with little color; yesterday's and today's are black and white. Perhaps it's because the weather outside has been pretty colorless too, albeit beautiful in its own way. Yesterday Belgrade Daily Photo posted a photo of crows in Kalemegdan, and today I found my own crow, perhaps one that fell victim to our recent low temperatures. But did you know that a group of crows is called a "murder," though this term usually appears in poetry rather than scientific contexts? Not sure if this bird fell victim to some sort of avicide, but I took its photo because I have an artist friend who always wants such photos; beauty in death sort of thing....


Chuck Pefley said...

Does look cold and lifeless, just as you intended.

Mim said...

Yes, a murder of crows - how descriptive in a way. This crow might have fallen astray of the other bullies in the "murder" and gotten croaked.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I confess to being a bird watcher due to the feeding the garden birds and the wildlife photographer so I knew of the term. For goldfinches the term is a Charm which suits perfectly. Believing in honest images I admire the image and totally agree with it's inclusion but my personal side is heartbroken at such a sad sight.

Juliette said...

Compelling, poignant image. Fairy-tale sadness.

Tash said...

The crow is still very beautiful. Funny that, about "murder of".

I just dawned on me that you have a new format - I like seeing your terrific photos in the larger size.

Anonymous said...

An interesting photo. The birds looks to have broken its neck. Perhaps it flew into a plate glass window.

Pat said...

Abe, doubt if it had flown into a window. It was lying in the middle of a field where Bibi came across it.

soulbrush said...

poor crow....i suspect 'foul play'. how are you feeling today?

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

I think if it was killed by other crows they would probably have eaten it, too. They eat all kinds of remains, I read that it was crows' presence on battlefields that brought about their association with death.

get zapped said...

What an interesting shot. Stunning really. I'm sorry for this crow. What a powerful image to behold.

Thanks for the info on the term "murder"

HapPY NeW YeaR!

ninja said...



 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!