Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Big, broad Branko's Bridge

This is such a classic shot, but I couldn't resist snapping away. Branko's Bridge that you can read about in my very posting here is the main bridge that links the older part of the city with New Belgrade, from where I took this photo.


Wayne said...

I would have taken that shot too. I think it turned out really well.

Anyone can do that in summer but it takes a real trooper to brave the snow and cold.

Virginia said...

Where were you BIbi????? I think Wayne might be right, it looks dangerous.

Janet said...

Wonderful "beneath the bridge" photo. Such a scenic shoreline too.

Lowell said...

Everything about this shot is superb! Classic? Perhaps. But you got the shot! And don't you wonder what's going on on top of the bridge?

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I am engaged to expat Serb, and it is so helpful to read about Serbian culture, and see the pictures of where his parents live.

Thank you!

Tash said...

And it's a GREAT classic shot and not a scene that is seen often enough. WONDERFUL use of lines (I'm finally taking an on-line photography course and we had to shoot examples where lines lead into the main subject. And the bridge looks quite nice from below - very clean & geometric.
Bella's comment is so cool - must make your day.

antigoni said...

Congratulations for your daughter's engagement. May have a happy life.
The bridge is awesome. Great photo.

Marie Reed said...

A classic and breathtaking shot! It's neat to see it's underside:)

Rosie said...

I love bridges and even better when the picture is from underneath...

Marie-Noyale said...

Good composition.
I am a fan of bridges too,and we have many in NY!!!

Richard Lawry said...

Awesome perspective shot

An Arkies Musings

Debby said...

I'm curious. As a new reader here...are you able to get the same shot viewing the opposite way towards New Belgrade? It would be neat to view both portions of the city side by side.

Marianne said...

I love this shot, especially with snow-covered roofs of the city. And the curving line of the bridge is sensual. I looked at your earlier photo and prefer the muted, winter colors and shades of this one.

Kris McCracken said...

It is a great shot!

Blogaire said...

I am also a lover of bridges and I think this shot is superb! Love the shadow on the water and the snow covered city.Wow it looks cold over there!

TheChieftess said...

I just saw the new bridge! Quite a difference.. .attractive, but not as charming as the old one...
but perhaps it's a good thing... I'm sure the old bridge
had a lot of negative energy attached to it due to the history...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.