Wednesday, February 18, 2009

ABC Wednesday "E" is for "expectations"

These workmen are looking at a billboard of the complex that will occupy the plot in front of them where one building is already going up. After many years of stagnancy, new buildings are mushrooming all over Belgrade. Some are locally financed, while others like the one you see her, are from foreign investments.

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Lowell said...

Very interesting photo...perhaps asking the same question I am - where's the money coming from when banks don't seem to be lending...

MuseSwings said...

Looks like they are trying to figure out which one to build first. Nice shot for E!

Rena said...

Clever E post. I wonder if they are looking for direction on how to proceed.

TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe said...

Excellent photo! and great choice for E.


Jane Hards Photography said...

We are having similar proposals which are now on hold. Expectations hopefully coming to fruition.

Thérèse said...

I agree with the comments...
+ Pretty soon each country will look for its own resources which is not a bad thing...

photowannabe said...

Great choice for the letter E. New buildings life in the cities. Great expectations.

Anonymous said...

Do you suppose the economic downturn will have any affect on the building in progress?

Lots of building has been put on hold here in Ohio -- possibly waiting on Obama's stimulus program.

My Birds Blog

Unknown said...

If you feel the inclination - Google "Middlehaven in Middlesbrough" and check out the plans for my riverside - looks like legoland, only more plasticky(sp??)

At least yours looks marginally more attractive!


Carol said...

It looks like great expectations...I wonder how long it will take to complete....good E choice...

Marie Reed said...

What an inspiring E choice! The men with hard hats really make the shot!

Tumblewords: said...

Glad to see there is action somewhere! Interesting post... and the photo taken through your windshield (above this post)is fascinating!


 I have seen this woman frequently in different seasons, seated in the same place near a large open market. She doesn't seem to be askin...