Friday, July 10, 2009

SKYWATCH--Are these clouds for real? You betcha!

My New York friend, Marianne, and I took a "Manhattan and Brooklyn By Night" bus tour. Very touristy, but well worth it. I had rained, but we risked sitting on the top outdoor deck of the bus, which yielded me some good shots.

Everybody was fascinated by these clouds. If an artist had painted them, people would complain they didn't look real. People below on the sidewalks and out from apartment windows were taking photos of them as well.

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James said...

Wow, The are incredible. What a great looking picture. I live about 75 miles from NYC and I saw similar clouds around sunset on friday june 26th.

James said...

Wow, The are incredible. What a great looking picture. I live about 75 miles from NYC and I saw similar clouds around sunset on friday june 26th.

Dragonflydownunder said...

Awesome picture!!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

these remind me of marshmellows...the color is amazing bibi. and the golden/coppery glow against the dark buildings makes for a perfect

Thérèse said...

C'est beau Bibi!

Martha Z said...

Wow, that sky was well worth the tour.

Alexa said...

James—I happen to know that's the day this shot was taken, and I saw/photographed them too! But isn't bibi's shot amazing?

Jilly said...

Amazing. Like marsh mallow.

Great to read you met up with Kim in Seattle. Lucky you, lucky her.

Jane Hards Photography said...

They are like toatsed marshallows ready to dip the fork into. Incredible and as I always say, who needs photoshop when nature has the best palette.

Greg said...

Those clouds are incredible, i have never seen anything like that.

Hobart Daily
Bicheno Daily

Gennasus said...

Amazing clouds! Hope I get to see a sky like that some time.

B SQUARED said...


GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Hey Bibi:

Love the header, the melding of your two worlds. And this sky is fabulous. For me, this is the Sky Watch highlight today!!!


marley said...

Wow! That is just weird, like something from an alien invasion film!

Louis la Vache said...

Marvelous capture of the clouds!

Chuck Pefley said...

Bibi, I believe these are known as mammatus clouds and associated with a dying thunderstorm.

Lovely sky!

Marie Reed said...

Holy cow! I could eat that cotton candy sky! What a sky!


 Patiently biding its time, this houseboat (and the trees as well) are waiting for spring.