Wednesday, August 5, 2009

ABC Wednesday "C" is for "chocolate-covered..."

Ah, California.... (Another "C"), home of the wacky and wonderful. In this shop they were selling chocolate covered candies of all kinds, including these chocolate-covered scorpions. They also had dried salted scorpions, worms, and crickets, along with the chocolate-covered ones.

Would you try one?

Join ABC Wednesday.


Mara said...

They are real scorpions covered with chocolate? Wow, I don't know. I might give them a go, after all, they ARE covered in chocolate...

Misfit in Paradise said...


kamz said...

i wouldn't try it if they were REAL but i would if they are just shaped like scorpions and worms.. :D

Shirl said...

CHOCOLATE of course! I can't believe I didn't think of that!!
Should have posted from your trip to Hershey though, chocolate capital of the world! love reading your blog.

Irene said...

I guess you didn't try it..this would fit bizarre foods on TV.

Alexa said...

In a word, no! There are some things even chocolate can't redeem. But it's still fascinating to know such things exist for those who like their worms sweet.

Lowell said...

Only in of ... and ....!

How many did you worms did you buy?

I've always felt that some things you just can't dress up and make them palatable. That goes for people, too!

Carol said...

Chocolate...great. way.

Thérèse said...

No thank you, we have the ones (in flesh and bones?) we grill on the barbecue over here... lol

Joanna said...

Surely they're not real! ICK. Once I ate some ants that had invaded a doughnut. That was enough for me.

Anonymous said...

we grill on the barbecue over here... lol
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Leslie: said...

I'd only try one if they were just the SHAPE of the scorpion and not the real thing under the chocolate.

Jama said...

Chocolate , I don't mind but chocolate covered scorpion, NO, thank you!

Rinkly Rimes said...

No scorpions for me! But so that I stick to 'C' I'd eat a chocolate covered caterpillar (but not a cat!)

Roger Owen Green said...

I'll pass; thanks anyway.

Jay said...

I adore chocolate, but I have to say, the answer to that question is a big 'NO!' LOL!

B SQUARED said...

Not a chance. I don't like food with a bite.

Shadow said...

I really have no other words but ewwwww. Many times, ewwwww! Where in California did you find chocolate scorpions??

marley said...

I like chocolate but not sure I'd try these. Might have a sting in the tale!

marley said...

Ooops - I meant 'tail'!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I would have to decline on this one. What a strange delicacy.

Tumblewords: said...

Nope. Thanks, anyway!

Kim said...

That's the best use of those critters I've ever seen them put to. Being a camp counselor for several years in the arid California mountains, I can't tell you how many of those darn things we had to pick out of kids luggage, sleeping bags, and shoes. Chocolate ones I could grow to like, maybe!


 He was holding just as still  as the mannikins in the shopfront window.