Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Jollier Jolly Roger

This Jolly Roger has been made even jollier by the addition of the Smiley face flag on this boat docked at Morro Bay. Almost makes you welcome pirates aboard your ship!


Lowell said...

I once knew a fellow named Roger.
Or maybe his name was Wally?
Well, whatever he came to be called
He sure as heck wasn't jolly!

Have a great time!

Alexa said...

Cap'n Jack Sparrow would be welcome aboard my ship any time! Looks like you're having a good time in California!

Thérèse said...

It's hard to imagine these two together!


love your blog, thank you

B SQUARED said...

That might be a fun ship to be on.

Shadow said...

Well, you know what they say...I smiley pirate is a happy pirate! I hope you are enjoying Sunny California, the weather seems to be cooperating for you.

marley said...

Har har me hearties!

Great photo :)

Anonymous said...

the weather seems to be cooperating for you.
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Jane Hards Photography said...

Now I wouldn't mind being boarded my the fellows flying this flag.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.