Monday, September 7, 2009

Playing with my food again

I did play with my food again, just as I did last October, but this time I had the patience to wait until I was all done with it. Here on my plate is an artistic arrangement of the remains of some small, fried fish called girice (GEEr-eet-say) that I enjoyed in typical American style with a glass of Coke. I looked up girice on the Internet, and they seem to be called picarel, or whitebait smelts. Google those words under 'images' and you'll see. Whatever they're called, they're good.


Lowell said...

Something's fishy! You are not only a photographer, you are an artist and sculptor, and an afishionado! ;-)

You're also very funny!

Richard Lawry said...

I'm not a fish eater, but it is obvious that you enjoyed your meal.

An Arkies Musings

Tash said...

Fish-heads arrangement! LOL!
I recall the name, but don't know if I ever ate them. Do you take the bone out or eat it all?

Unseen Rajasthan said...

Fishes all over the plate !!Great post..Unseen Rajasthan

Alexa said...

Well, clearly you're no piker—you just dove right in and had a whale of a good time with your food! Seeing the basket of bread reminds me of a friend who likes to sculpt little birds and animals out of the soft white part (p.s. -- she's in her 80s).

Marie-Noyale said...

In French I think we would call that dish
Une friture d'eperlans...


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