Saturday, September 12, 2009

Two wooden shoes, two boots, two chairs, and a hat

A side trip to the charming village of Maradik, not far from Belgrade, yielded this photo taken in a restored farmhouse/museum. Note the walls that have been decorated with a rubber roller dipped in paint and just rolled over the walls.


Gunn said...

A very nice shot!!:-) Well seen and well done.

Lowell said...

I thought only the Dutch wore wooden shoes! And shouldn't there be two hats. Ah, unless one person lost his head? ;-)

Very interesting photograph!

I've not seen that kind of painting before, but it seems like a great idea. P.S. Don't tell Lois Anne!

Anonymous said...

Nice. I love that wall stenciling. said...

beautiful composition. & I love the artful design done with the roller. that is pretty amazing Bibi.

James said...

Great shot Bibi.
Those wooden shoes are just begging for Dr. Scholls.

Alexa said...

Lovely shot, Bibi! Your eye for composition only gets better.

ninja said...

Looks like a painting - great composition.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Nice shot. I like the the different browns against the green. That was really done with a roller? Pretty good.

Julie said...

excellent composition. very interesting. I also liked your balcony photo. well done. I am glad you enjoyed the photos on my site from my photography tour. I will have more posted over the next few weeks. the slot canyon photos are amazing.

Thérèse said...

Soleil et labeur!
Le vert apporte beaucoup de gaîté.

Françoise said...

très jolie photo, mais ou se trouve donc ce village qu'on puisse le visiter ?


Pat said...


Ce petit village se trouve a peu pres 10 kilometres d'Indjija. Inejija est a peu pres 42 kilometres de Belgrade, plus ou moins dans la direction de Novi Sad. Voici un lien sur Indjija:


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.