Wednesday, February 3, 2010

ABC Wednesday--"C" is for "Creatures from hell"

These bizarre little toys hop and squeak and their fiendish eyes light up. I was almost tempted to buy one for Bibi, but I thinks she'd have been scared.... They did draw quite a crowd though on Belgrade's pedestrian street, Knez Mihailova.



Sylvia K said...

They are a bit scary looking with those eyes! How funny! Great choice for the day! Have a great week!


Christine H. said...

Can you imagine setting a couple of those loose in some one's bedroom at night? Please, not mine though!

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful and funny toys!

Chuck Pefley said...

Ah, such restraint! I'd have bought two to keep each other company at night after the light went out. Bibi would have been entertained, and I'm fairly certain she would have asserted her authority in fairly short order!

BTW, I substituted a molasses ginger cookie for your birthday cake in Seattle. I also ate the whole cake. Thanks for permission ... yummy, yummy cookie from the Three Girls Bakery at the market.

Also ... word verification word is "lisseten". So ... lisseten up!

Leif Hagen said...

Cutie, cute, cute!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Sretan rođendan!

Those little toys are for aunts and grandmothers to buy for children. Mothers know better!!!!


photowannabe said...

Creepy eyes for those creatures. cute post though.

Lowell said...

I have seen similar "toys" here but they were not nearly as "fiendish"! I think you did the right thing for Bibi. She probably has enough problems trying to con a sufficient number of treats from you! ;-)

Tumblewords: said...

Not sure if I'd want one, either! I'll bet they did draw a crowd though.

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee
You didn't buy one for yourself for your birthday?
(«Louis» doesn't blame you...) said...

I bet they scare small children too!
This is most original for today's "C"!

PJ said...

I like their wee, little "galoshes".

mrsnesbitt said...

Best avoided! lol!

Thanks so much
Denise (ABC Team)

jay said...

What nasty looking little things! I bet the children love them! LOL!

B SQUARED said...

I'd lock my bedroom door if they were in my house.

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

I think this must be a case of toys that appeal more to adults than to children! Though I don't think they appeal to me very much at all!

Ming the Merciless said...

Hahaha! The red-eyes make them look a little evil than cute.

Roger Owen Green said...

scary stuff!

James said...

Just don't look into there eyes for very long. :)

Daryl said...

Oh my .. scary stuff ...

annies home said...

my goodness they do look awfully wicked

Tash said...

Was their bark as bad as their glare? Wild find.

Lorie Shewbridge said...

They are quite scary looking...
Kind-of cute, too. Very confusing.
Great photo.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!