Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Another day (year ) older....

...but fortunately not 'deeper in debt,' as goes Tennessee Ernier Ford's song, "Sixteen Tons." (Just saw on Wiki that he was an Aquarius, too; Feb. 13th!)

Here I am at somewhere between age 1 and two in my hometown of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, though I don't know at whose place this was taken. My mother said the dog's name was Toby, but who he belonged to remains a mystery. Now I have a little black dog of my own... And I've learned not to let my slip, not to mention my underpants, hang out. Please--no comments about needing rubber pants again!!

I'm full of nostalgia and wonder when I look at photos of myself and family. This little girl grew up, traveled to far-off lands, one of which she stayed in, learned a couple of 'foreign-but-not-really-anymore' languages, married, had two children, fought cancer, became a widow much too early...and like everyone else of a similar age, has a mixture of sad and happy memories of her life.

If you want a piece of birthday cake, you'll have to go to last year's post, since I didn't make myself one this year. My son's working in another town, and I'd eat it all....


Chuck Pefley said...

Ooh! I'm first at your party!! Whoo-hoo!!

Happy Birthday, Bibi! I'll have cake in your honor. Chocolate, of course!!

PeterParis said...

Really charming photo!!! Yes, Happy Birthday!

Hilda said...

Such an adorable photo! Happy, happy birthday!

Marianne said...

Happy Birthday, Bibi. I'm raising my glass of red wine to you.
Cute photo. Best, best wishes.

BaysideLife said...

Happy Birthday Bibi. Yours has been quite a full life--happy and sad. My wish is that the best is yet to come for you.

James said...

From one Aquarius to another Happy Birthday! (My birthday is this Saturday Feb 6TH.)
You were so cute and I bet you still are.

Luis Gomez said...

Happy Birthday! What a cute and lovely baby. Have a wonderful day!

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim said...

Hey you cutie! Beautiful both then and now. Whenever I see photos like this I think of what joy the little person involved brought to their parents, family, and friends. We all delight in seeing such sweetness, so thanks for sharing this shot of younger you. It seems your life is certainly integrated. . .you are still traveling on your own two feet with a darling canine companion, and always looking outward with wonder.

Happiness, adventure, good health, and the love of those you hold dear is my birthday wish for you. February people are very special indeed! Lovely post today, Bibi.

Brenda's Arizona said...

Happy Birthday! I love your photo and the sweet paragraph of life.
good writing - and have a great day!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

A belated happy birthday. Mine is coming on the 16th and I will be celebrating in Italy :)
Take care.

Leif Hagen said...

Bon anniversaire! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Happy Birthday, Bibi! Glad fodelsedag! O tanjobi ni omedito gozaimashita! Gratulere med dagen!
Cute photo of you with the puppy!

Virginia said...

Oh my dear Bibi,
You and I have been through many of these together haven't we? Another reason I love my blogs. What dear, dear friends I have met and grown to love. Best wishes for this happy day for you. Hopes for many more and of course a reunion in Paris one day. Now wouldn't that be so fine!!

Bob Crowe said...

And happy birthday to you. I've got one this month, too. The picture is simply charming. We would all love to find a piece of that happy innocence again.

Lowell said...

Thank you for a very personal and poignant birthday post. You were sure a little cutie...

Happy birthday to you and I hope you have many more!

MaliceInWonderland said...

Srecan rodjendan Bibi.

As a recent arrival to Blogger and an even more recent follower of your page, I haven't made myself known, but not saying Happy Birthday seems so rude... especially when I feel you've allowed me into your life.

Chance or fate lead me to this page and I was struck from the very first moment... not only with your amazing collection of images and commentary... but the wonderful spirit and warmth which radiates from your cyber home.

So, from a half-Serb, half-Italian woman who was born in Brazil and now resides in Australia, (also widowed much too young @ 25 and only after 3 years of marriage), I wish you a wonderful day and want to thank you for allowing me to share your life and a little bit of Belgrade vicariously through your photos.

It's your birthday... yet it feels like I've the one who's been given the gift. Thank you Bibi.

Svaki cast


Louis la Vache said...

You owe yourself the ENTIRE birthday cake, Bibi!
«Louis» wishes you all the best!

dianasfaria.com said...

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Bibi, happy birthday to you!
You are leading an amazing life.
& James, having met Bibi, I can tell you she is still just as cute!

Juliette said...

Happy, happy birthday, Bibi!!! Cheers!

Tash said...

Happy, happy birthday!!! What a sweety-pie you were. Look at those cheeks and the eyes - a real doll.
Живелa мојa драгa "Биби"!

Kcalpesh said...

That's a very cute picture! :-)

Pixellicious Photos

Jilly said...

Bibi, snap! I was sitting looking at this enchanting photograph and thinking about you - and suddenly your comment comes up on Menton. Well I'm so glad you like it and please take it as a birthday photo for you. Had I known, it would have been!

You are so right, look at this adorable child and we don't know what life will bring her - you. I do know the love of dogs didn't go away with you, did it? And I do know I have so much admiration for you, for what you've been through and what you've achieved and how you have dealt with and are dealing with your loss. You are an inspiration.

Have a great day, dear Bibi. I've loved getting to know you via our blogs and emails and hope one day we might meet in reality. That would be such a treat for me.

Happy Happy Happy....love Jilly xxx

tasha said...

Thank you so much for this little something
each morning when I check your blog and get
a glimps of Belgrade through your eyes.

Have a great day,
Happy birthday

B SQUARED said...

Happy Birthday! A giant slice of cybercake is headed your way. Enjoy!

XAPT said...

Happy, happy birthday, Bibi - Thank you for yet another wonderful post!

Gaelyn said...

Happy Birthday Bibi! You're not getting older, just better.

Aradu said...

Happy Birthday from Timisoara! Alina & Gheo

Tumblewords: said...

What a sweet picture! Happy Birthday to you! And many more! I so agree about the past being filled with both sad and happy memories. Thanks for sharing this delightful post.

Kitty said...

wow, Happy Birthday! How amazing to think about time passing. I've been thinking about it too.

You cannot predict life, try as you might. I hope you had a good day.

Lisa R (in the UK) said...

Happy belated birthday Bibi (I should have known you were an aquarian!) - and many happy returns of the day.

Alexa said...

So sorry to get here after the fact—it's been an insane week at work. Love this photo (and you're still just as cute). You've already had a very interesting life—hope it continues to be so! Srecan Rodjendan!

Susie of Arabia said...

I love old photos like this - it's lovely!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.