Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ABC WEDNESDAY 'O' is for 'Open'

Open is what this window is, and while I was driving (I stopped briefly, much to the consternation of the hurried driver behind me, but hey, it's for my blog) and snapped this photo of a disembodied arm with its dimpled elbow.
Check out other O's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Lowell said...

A great shot for the theme! And hey, you gotta get the shot when there's an opportunity! Looks like the guy might have hurt his elbow...maybe he hung it out the window and a big bird flew into it?

Laura said...

really, why can't people understand the immense importance of that perfect photo for our blogs???? fun shot!

clairz said...

You have a wonderful way capturing the commonplace and turning it into something special!

Chuck Pefley said...

Oh my, a photo-blogger behind the wheel. God help us! LOL!! I really like the absurdity of this photo, Bibi!

Luis Gomez said...

What a great image! It is just wonderful.

Thérèse said...

J'irai même jusqu'à dire "guili-guili" pour ajouter un peu de délire!

James said...

Cool picture. It has a surreal feel to it.

Unknown said...

cool, surreal, pretty neato! what an elbow!

Leif Hagen said...

That's quite a dimpled elbow! My twin brother has a dimpled check which is accentuated when he smiles!
I often say, "It's for my blog ...."

Olivier said...

belle composition, avec juste ce bras

LisaF said...

One just never knows when a photo Opportunity will present itself! Congrats on being so Observant.

Sylvia K said...

I love it! That other guy just needs to learn to enjoy and look around!! Terrific capture. Enjoy the remainder of your week!


Jama said...

Cool shot! said...

this is great Bibi!
& I do the same thing & today someone waited patiently for me to finish snapping my photo too. I was shocked but grateful.

Gaelyn said...

Very cool capture Bibi.

Louis la Vache said...

...brought to you by Vincent Price.


MaR said...

A great shot!! we should have an emergency blogging light to let other drivers know what we are doing...

O is for...

Mara said...

I've wanted to do that so often: just stop and take the photo. Mind you, there would be days where I would be stopped more often than driving!

Great shot!

The Fairweather Blogger said...

Great O post. Quite a chubby (almost Obese) disembodied arm!

Roger Owen Green said...

What Laura said.

I HOPE there's a live body attached.

ROGER, ABC Wednesday team

Alexa said...

Maybe you should have a sign in the car the way student drivers do, but yours would say "Blogging Driver." Or perhaps just a bumper sticker: "I brake for photo ops." (And I was thinking what Clairz said already.)

Sarah said...

Glad to come here again after a long time. You may remember me with the blog "Mashhad Daily Photo".
Nice shot and interesting subject for "o".

B SQUARED said...

I can hear screaming coming from the room.

Daryl said...

Oh love it .. it would work for one of my tell me a story posts ...

arabesque said...

haha, cute shot and funny post! ^0^

lv2scpbk said...

Good post. I posted an Open this week to but a little different than yours.

On behalf of the ABC Wed. team, thanks for playing this week.

Tumblewords: said...

O-migosh! Open works so well here!

Marie-Noyale said...

Really looks real!

Troy said...

I certainly don't blame you for stopping. Blogs take precedence over life, I always say. I just feel bad for the poor guy who, in his haste to jump out the open window forgot his arm and left it hanging there for the world to see.

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday Team, Thanks for participating this week. Hope you can join us again next week.


Jay said...

Hahaha! Great shot!

But you forgot to mention the olecranon process - the bone inside that elbow! LOL!

Lady-Cracker said...

Isak Dinesen would have such a good tme telling the stories behind your pictures.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.