Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Bridges -the tram bridge and the Memorial

I've posted this in HDR for a more dramatic effect. The lighting was bad when I took this photo, and the HDR brings out the colors. The green bridge with the red tram is commonly called the Tram Bridge, but it can be driven over, too. It links New Belgrade with the older part of the city, and leads directly to the train station. I've posted about this monument that stands on the site of a former WWII concentration camp when I first started my blog.

Hey! If you are viewing my blog through Mozilla Firefox, be sure to look up and see the new little Serbian favicon I finally figured out how to install...sort of....with a help of a friend. It doesn't show up on most versions of Internet Explorer, for some reason.

Check out other bridges at Louis La Vache's Sunday Bridges.


Kim said...

Love seeing the monument together with the bridge in your neat composition Bibi! Hey, the favicon is cute!

Chuck Pefley said...

The flavicon shows up fine in Safari in OS 10.6, too.

Very clever, you and your friend -:)

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis», being the WWII history buff that he is, appreciates your including the monument in your Sunday Bridge shot.

«Louis» linked it for you.


EG CameraGirl said...

I like this photo worked in HDR. That's something I'd like to learn how to do but I doubt my computer is powerful enough.

Gaelyn said...

That is one unusual sculpture/memorial. The HDR really makes things look sharp. Not sure about the flavicon, whatever that is. And I have Mozilla Firefox.

Alexa said...

Not sure about the favicon, either—but this monument is appropriately impressive. Love the green bridge and red tram too.

Luis Gomez said...

Love this image. Great composition. Favicon looks great.

B SQUARED said...

At first, I thought it resembled Godzilla;the monument, not the bridge. I second Chuck, it shows up beautifully in Safari.

James said...

That's a very powerful image!

Halcyon said...

I really like it! The colors are nice.

knez011 said...

Great composition - arches intersected by straight lines. Flavicon shows on Google Chrome as well!

Leslie D. said...

Great juxtaposition of shapes here..the massive sculpture against the curved line of the bridge. Thanks!

Unknown said...

A beautiful bridge Bibi. And I can see the little icon on the tab, as i m using mozilla firefox.
Have a great sunday.

Leif Hagen said...

What a great, green bridge for BRIDGE day, Bibi! What a monumental sculpture in the foreground reminding us of the past...

Hilda said...

I like how you did this — the colors and textures are fantastic! Makes the monument even more dramatic too.

Cool favicon! When I've figured out what icon I want to use — I've been racking my brain for three years! — I'll come to you for help in installing it. :)

Lowell said...

The HDR makes this much more dramatic. I think the bridge is beautiful, but the Holocaust memorial is powerful! We must never forget!

Virginia said...

I;m very impressed that you know what HDR is and can DO it!! Favicon. WEll that's a new one for me as well. Bibi, you're on the ball!

That memorial is amazing and I agree, the composition here is perfect.

Kaori said...

I love how green your bridge is! Wonderful view of the bridge :-)

Suburban Girl said...

Where is the Serbain favicon. I am using Firefox and don't see it?

Love how the hdr did bring out the colors, especially to highlight the statue in the foreground.

Anonymous said...

Flavicon shows on Opera 10.60 as well!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.