Some artist used his or her literal sense of humor to create
zebra crossings in front and beside
Vuk Stefanović Karadžić and Dositej Obradović's museum downtown. I've noticed a couple of fancy crosswalks downtown, so perhaps I'll show you more.
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Oh wow, those are fantastic! I bet everybody would pay a lot more attention to where they're walking or driving.
Oh, those are terrific! I'd love to see those here in Seattle!! What a great post for the Z day! Have a wonderful week!
Terrific! I'd like to see more of them - wish we had a few near here!
I just read another post where they did zebra crossings, too, but this is great with the actual painting of a zebra on the pavement! What we do here is push a button to activate a light so the cars will stop. :D
Great photo of these wonderful crossings. I want one in my town!
These are wonderful. Love them!
How refreshingly promising. Always a safe step ahead. Please have a great Wednesday.
daily athens
belle peinture sur le sol, j'adore
I love the attention-getting color and artwork. What a great idea.
a REAL zebra crossing!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
That's an eye catching zebra crossing!
Has a whimsical tone to it. Very nice.
Oh, yes—please do. Would love to see more!
These are amazing paintings. But you don't really have Zebras there do you?
Very creative! Amazing that it's allowed. Public spaces are considered government property here in the US and no "embellishments" are allowed!
I love those old buildings.
Thanks for these wonderful photos.
This is such a fun capture
Amazing Z capture Bibi! You shoot the best pictures.
I would hate to walk or drive on this artwork. What a find!
Another great post! I know the man who did them the zebras - he is a paintor, and used to be the director of the ''Dom kulture'' (Cultural Centre) in my home town, Valjevo. a very pleasant man!
this is fabulous! Best Z ever. Very humorous and I love how you combined the view of the old streets too.
Is that a shadow in the middle of the intersection or a "kanalizacija" cover?
Now that is street art that I can enjoy! And so practical! You can tell a friend, "Meet me at the Zebra Crossing!"
Super Cool!! I just hope that Zebra doesn't bite -:)
This is amazing. I love that the authorities have allowed this. Good for them. And good for the artist. Great stuff!
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