Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ABC Wednesday "I" is for "information"

The above is called the Little Pyramid, and it stands in the center of Belgrade's pedestrian street, Knez Mihailova, right in front of the Academy of Arts and Sciences. The pyramid bears an inscription saying that Belgrade’s geographic center is situated at 44 degrees 49 minutes and 14 seconds of the northern geographic latitude and at 20 degrees 27 minutes and 44 seconds of the eastern geographic longitude, at an altitude of 116 meters.

So there's your information for today! See how others have interpreted the letter 'I' on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Anonymous said...

Cool photo! - and thanks for the information (like they say, learn something new every day)

Anonymous said...

I find that pyramid very interesting, since its top is separated from other part. Looks like the one on a dollar bill, don't you think? :)

Luis Gomez said...

Great photo! Thanks for the info.

Jingle said...

love useful and helpful information!

Cheryl said...

Love that photo and thanks for the info!

Tash said...

Nice geometric shape for geographic info. I love the traditional street sweeper you've captured too. No blasted noisy blowers to disturb the peaceful morning.

Shooting Parrots said...

Great photo -- it looks rather Masonic.

photowannabe said...

Well that's more than I knew before. I love the information that ABC Wednesday gives us. Great shot of the city center.

Gigi Ann said...

Very interesting Information today. I like the Little Pyramid, very interesting picture.

Leslie: said...

Great photo today! Hope you have an incredible week! :D

Tumblewords: said...

Interesting! It does look like the pyramid on the dollar bill with the eye at the top. Great shot.

Tumblewords: said...

Oh. Congratulations on being a blog of note - your posts are always interesting!!

Hildred said...

A great photo, and I will just jot down that information - one never knows when things like this will be useful!

Kay L. Davies said...

Excellent information, especially in front of the Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Alberta, Canada

Olivier said...

belle oeuvre, mais un peu grosse comme boussole de poche :o)

Roger Owen Green said...

definitely Masonic - and rather inntriguing
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Kero said...

it was like a page from The Lost Symbol LOL!

my entry is here

Verns said...

absolute location... this is interesting.. I'm taught basic geography last term.. interesting... great I.

Gaelyn said...

So does this make it GPS art?

Daryl said...

I am sure this info is relevant to someone .. maybe many many centuries from now it will be unearthed and help who ever found it learn about the place it stood ... scifi anyone?

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

interesting monument!!

Alexa said...

Very informative indeed—and something I never expected to learn!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.