Sunday, February 13, 2011

SUNDAY BRIDGES--a bridge AND a cow!

Louis, am I the first to post a bridge AND a cow?? This photo of course is not from Belgrade, but from Udaipur, India, that I visited during my recent trip to India. My friend Olya in the background was unsure whether to pass this peaceful bovine, so I went by her first...and took the photo.

See other bridges (but probably not with cows on them) at Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Luis Gomez said...

Excellent and funny picture Bibi!

Louis la Vache said...

Indeed, Bibi, you are THE FIRST to post both a bridge and a cow! Paul is having to type this because «Louis» is rolling in the floor laughing!

Melissa Enderle said...

In anywhere else - an oddity. In India - just a normal day! Wandering cows (particularly in Rajasthan) will always be part of my memories of India.

Andy said...

Looks like only you and Olya are the only ones paying attention to the cow.

vishwa said...

Hi Bibi, I'm Vishwa from Mumbai,India. Sorry for the delayed reply, previously u have asked me regarding favicon changing. Would you like to know how to change the favicon??? How is India?

J e l e n a said...

Well she needs her rest, and it looks like no one minds!

Richard Lawry said...

Quite the interesting photo. We recently watched Michael Woods The Story of India. It was a 5 hour documentary/history that we found fascinating. I would recommend it to anyone. It left us longing for a visit to India.

An Arkies Musings

Gaelyn said...

Seems like an unusual place for a cow, but then you were in India.

Jilly said...

A bridge and a cow. How fabulous!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.