Wednesday, March 21, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY "J" is for "Jump into spring"

"Jumping" into spring is what I've been waiting so long to do. Not a cold weather fan anymore. I just couldn't resist buying snowdrops from this springishly dressed man.... Two bunches for 100 dinars, which is about $1.25.

See other "J's" at ABC Wednesday.


Gaelyn said...

No way I could resist.

Thérèse said...

Such a nice way to celebrate Spring: flowers and smiles or smiles and flowers!

Olivier said...

le premier sourire du printemps ;

PhenoMenon, ABCW said...

If winter comes can spring be far beind? (William Wordworth, Ode to the Westwind)

PhenoMenon,ABCW Team

Scriptor Senex said...

What a great photo.

But I'm interested in the snowdrops. What we call snowdrops are Galanthus nivalis. Those are obviously something else but I can't work out what. Any ideas?

Pat said...

Hi, Scriptor Senex. Just wrote you on your blog. I google-translated 'visibaba', the name for snowdrop in Serbian, and it came up 'snowdrop'. Also googled the Latin name you gave and found photos of the flower I show. Are you perhaps thinking of Edelweiss? Here's a link.

brattcat said...

i couldn't have resisted these delicate bouquets either. what a wonderful shot.

Roger Owen Green said...

spring is here but winter never really was
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Mandy said...

I love this photo. It really is full of the impending joy of spring! So glad it is warming up for your there.

Daryl said...

snowdrops are so sweet .. good price .. I hope they last through the weekend ...

Lowell said...

A wonderful portrait and the man's smile matches his brightly colored outfit!

Virginia said...

That sounds like a real deal and from such a friendly guy!

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love spring!

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Scriptor Senex said...

Hello Bibi - no not Edelweiss. Our snowdrops (Galanthius nivalis) look different but perhaps there are more than one sort. Ours have green spots in the middle and seem to have shorter petals than yours but perhaps it's just the angle of the photo.

photowannabe said...

I don't think I could resist either.
I am so ready to jump into Spring. Great choice for the letter J.

TheChieftess said...

I love fresh flowers in the house! Especially up here...our winter came late and we've got 4 feet of new snow so spring flowers are not going to be out for another couple of months...but we'll have them all summer!!!

Your photo is absolutely wonderful! His friendly expression, the purple coat and the flowers....perfect!!

Alexa said...

And for 100 dinars you got not only two bunches of snowdrops—you also got a charming smile and a wonderful portrait to share with us!

Ann said...

Those are lovely snowdrops. Very pretty against the purple jacket.

The Poet said...

Spring is definitely in the air here. Beautiful flowers. Love the color of his coat too...purple is one of my favorites. Nice shot. Thanks for sharing.

Justified Indulgence


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.