Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Chimney Cakes

Have you ever eaten chimney cakes? I've seen them being made at village fairs in northern Serbia near the Hungarian border and also last November in Prague. They're good... Sweet dough is wrapped around a wooden cylinder and then either baked or fried (baked here), then coated with your favorite topping...chocolate, hazelnut, walnut, cinnamon...or a combination of those.


Olivier said...

Hummmmm je ne pourrais jamais faire ce type de reportage photo, je ne pourrais pas résister de tout manger ;)

Gaelyn said...

Those look good. Fried elephant ears at our fairs.

AL said...

Are they like a donut? They sound very good, and I have never heard of them.

Luis Gomez said...

I haven't eaten them but I am sure I want one! ;)

Alexa said...

Sounds like the sort of thing you might find at state fairs in the U.S. (but possibly just marginally more healthful than, say, fried Snickers bars).

Pat said...

Hi, Al. They're sort of a doughnut dough, but not as puffy. More like peeling apart a cinnamon bun.

Rajesh said...

Interesting. This are new to me.

brattcat said...

love this baker shot. can you show us the finished cake?

Anonymous said...

I think the baker makes the shot. I have never heard of them before this visit. At our county fairs, we can get elephant ears - deep fried.

Since I was hacked 2 months ago I had to give up my old user name and the blogs that went with it. So this is the new birds blog and I hope you can come visit. Birds Birds Birds and Birds

Daryl said...


Pat said...

Brattcatt, just added a photo for you!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The fact that it's after midnight here in Perth does not in the least stop me wanting one of these RIGHT NOW..thanks Bibi!

brattcat said...

thank you for adding the photo of the finished cake. it looks delicious!

Lowell said...

I have never seen such, but I'm enchanted and think that I would love them! I'll take one with the combination. Well, make that two. No, three. Oh, heck, how about a dozen?

TheChieftess said...

Yummmm...those look yummy!!! That and a cup of cafe at a sidewalk cafe or in the park.....

Mandy said...

Oh, yum! I really like the look of those. I shall have to seek them out during my visit.

Cosmetic surgery in sLOVEina said...

What amazing photos you took. This is also one of my customers :) I make and sell Chimney cake ovens and accessories and sell them all over the world. Some customers come to our Kurtos Academy for training while other customers invite us to go to their countries for training. You can read more about this amazing, tasty, unique product on my web site: www.kurtos-kalacs.com


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.