Monday, August 27, 2012

Not at the zoo

No, not at the zoo, but rather in the village of Čekmin (CHECK-meen), Serbia, near the cities of Niš (NEESH) and Leskovac (LES-ko-vahts.)  This peacock, peahen, and occasional offspring belong to one of the villagers. They like to roam...

Čekmin is very small, and I was surprised to find a short video of it on Youtube, so if you'd like to have a look, click right here.


Luis Gomez said...

How beautiful to have them roaming around town.

Lowell said...

What a terrific shot. So do these critters leave evidence of their presence all over town?

Thérèse said...

Mieux vaut le voir que l'entendre. "Léon" comme on l'appelle ici :-)

Gaelyn said...

Beautiful but very noisy.

Olivier said...

magnifique paon, et je suis d'accord avec Therese, ca fait un cri pas terrible

Alexa said...

I always associate peacocks with large, fancy properties (maybe it's good to have a large yard so these noisy birds don't have to be too close to the house).

Daryl said...

on the news here last week they reported a peacock roaming the streets of some small town in NJ .. so your shot of this guy is timely


  This was my fortune cookie's prediction....looking over my shoulder now, and of course upwards, too.  If I don't post for a while,...