Monday, August 27, 2012

Not at the zoo

No, not at the zoo, but rather in the village of Čekmin (CHECK-meen), Serbia, near the cities of Niš (NEESH) and Leskovac (LES-ko-vahts.)  This peacock, peahen, and occasional offspring belong to one of the villagers. They like to roam...

Čekmin is very small, and I was surprised to find a short video of it on Youtube, so if you'd like to have a look, click right here.


Luis Gomez said...

How beautiful to have them roaming around town.

Lowell said...

What a terrific shot. So do these critters leave evidence of their presence all over town?

Thérèse said...

Mieux vaut le voir que l'entendre. "Léon" comme on l'appelle ici :-)

Gaelyn said...

Beautiful but very noisy.

Olivier said...

magnifique paon, et je suis d'accord avec Therese, ca fait un cri pas terrible

Alexa said...

I always associate peacocks with large, fancy properties (maybe it's good to have a large yard so these noisy birds don't have to be too close to the house).

Daryl said...

on the news here last week they reported a peacock roaming the streets of some small town in NJ .. so your shot of this guy is timely


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.