Thursday, February 21, 2013

Winter in the park

The park behind these two urns is Belgrade's Students' Park.  The statue you see in the background between the two urns is of Dositej Obradovic, whom I explained to you last October right here.


TheChieftess said...'re going to laugh! When I saw this in my blog roll, I immediately thought hot fudge sundaes!!! (It's a small pic and I clicked on it quickly!)

Thérèse said...

La neige forme un très joli pelage!

Daryl said...

really like the new header shot but you need to boost the color of your blog name its lost among the bright of the graffiti

Luis Gomez said...

So much snow! Very nice Bibi.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

The urns are all-season displays of Belgrade. Filled with green in the summer and this bouquet of snow in the heart of winter - love them!



 Lost among the  leaves...I looked around for a child nearby, but there was no one in sight at all.