Wednesday, February 20, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY--"F" is for "Five hundred"

Jovan Cvijić was a Serbian geographer, president of the Serbian Royal Academy of Sciences, and rector of the University of Belgrade. He was a world-renowned scientist, and considered the founder of geography in Serbia, having started his scientific career as a geographer and geologist.

And now he's on the 500 dinar note, worth as I type, around $7.00.

See other F's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Alexa said...

Serbian currency is much more interesting than the EU's (or the US's, for that matter).

Marleen said...

Yes, interesting to read. Thanks for sharing.

Lowell said...

Fascinating. I would think only politicians get on currency - they're the ones with all the money!

Thanks for the link. And yes, those guys were good and played for free! Joni Mitchell rocks!

betty-NZ said...

I've never understood how world finance works, so I am always confused about the worth of paper in any country!

Leslie: said...

That's a heckuva lot of dinar to equal $7.00! lol

abcw team

Wanda said...

I think it looks more like a American movie ticket than money. So interesting the currancy in each country.

Roger Owen Green said...

fine mustache! but it does look like funny money a bit.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

photowannabe said...

I like the graphics on the note. They are so much more interesting than our US money.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh having a wad of these notes would sound so impressive until you realize the value, interesting post Bibi.

Daryl said...

he could treat you to lunch here with that


 Dug out my old  MINOX MINI 5.1 camera,  which always attracts a lot of comments. I have posted before photos taken with it, like  THIS ONE....