Tuesday, September 2, 2014


You just never know what you'll come across in Kalemegdan Park.  Last Friday I posted this big guy, who was contemplating munching on a gardener.  Now, the man in blue has come face-to-face with a dinosaur who would have made short work of him, once upon a time....assuming that humans and dinosaurs existed at the same time, which they didn't, unless you buy into this theory.


William Kendall said...

Looking at that theory, I must say the following: Sigh, open palm, insert face into palm, shake head.

People who come up with theories like that are singlehandedly setting back the progress of the human race.

Terrific shot, Bibi. I can imagine how kids react to this sculpture.

Thérèse said...

Je ne vais pas cliquer sur la theorie qui parait avoir de plus en plus d'adeptes ce qui parait si invraisemblable...

Olivier said...

en effet ils ont bien vecus ensemble, mais dans Jurassic Park (et pas longtemps) ;))
Creation qui donne des frayeurs,ne pas se promener dans le parc la nuit

Olivier said...
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from Madrid said...

It seems to be a reality this photo.


Alexa said...

This is a great shot!

Luis Gomez said...

This is so good. Great capture Pat.

Gaelyn said...

I'd be thinking, Flashback!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!