Wednesday, September 3, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY=="H" is for "helpful"

There are many tourists in Belgrade.  Young people with backpacks and also large groups of tourists who do the 'Danube Tours', coming from farther up the river.  Those who can easily keep up with the tour guide do just that, but some others, like this man in the wheelchair, prefer to sightsee at their own pace.

This man had  been studying his map intently and I was about to go over to him, but the man  in the striped shirt beat me to it.

See other Hs on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


William Kendall said...

When I see someone looking over one of the maps here as if to try to figure out where they're going, I tend to step in and offer directions. Good shot!

Nonnie said...

how thoughtful!

Leslie: said...

Wonderful photo as a reminder to us all in our homelands to help others during their visits. They will take home many great memories, not only of the sites/sights, but also of the people.

abcw team

Reader Wil said...

Great photo and great word for H!
Wil, ABCW Team

ellen b. said...

It's always good to see helpful people!

Roger Owen Green said...

The world is better when we HELP each other.


Lmkazmierczak said...

Maps are kind of a shock to see these days with smart phones and their GPS apps♪

Gaelyn said...

Love to help tourists and make suggestions.

Tamera said...

Very nice of him to help!

Alexa said...

I love to help visitors to NYC. We have a bad rep (though it's undeserved) in some quarters and they're often surprised to meet a friendly native.

Kate said...

I always prefer to go at my own leisurely pace too.

Cristina Pop said...

Wonderful post for letter H! I just love seeing that there still are Helpful people in this world!

Shady Gardener said...

H is for Helpful... as in "Helping Hand!" ;-) Nice reminder.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.