Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"S" is for Stolen Shopping cart

The other day downtown I saw four of these moveable "stands" used for selling various merchandise. While it's handy to have a stand you can move around, snitching a cart for this purpose from a grocery store isn't the answer, since we all indirectly end up paying for it through raised prices. Shame, shame. Another 'S'! Oh, and by the way, the four-legged man in the background is just a passer-by. :< )


imac said...

Thought i was seeing things - a 4 legged man. Great post.

pop and see my viking with his sword and shield.

Texas Travelers said...

Great idea for an S post. thanks goodness it's 2 people.

Our 'S' is setting.
Come visit,
Troy and Martha

Anonymous said...

At first glance he does look like he has 4 legs.
Good S post.

Sharon said...

Great S post! You are right about!

photowannabe said...

The 4 legged man caught me a bit off guard. great picture and stolen carts seems to be a universal problem.

Kim said...

LOL Pat!! I didn't notice until I read your last line. Very fun. Gosh, inappropriate nicking of carts must be universal. I thought it was an American thing. Although the recycling guys in my former city may have the corner on the prize for longest train of them going over loaded like a camel caravan down the the street.
Seattle Daily Photo

nancy said...

A great photo! So glad you are sharing with us. It's a part of the world most of us know little about I think.

Juliana RW said...

thanks for the explain about the man in the background hi hih i.. i thought he who steal the shopping cart :D

Mine in here Thanks

Anonymous said...

Clever S post! Glad the man in the background was not involved :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Stolen Trolley Cart Syndrome. It is Universal. Like the lateral thinking for the S. As for the for the four legged man, not so universal. That would make a great Odd shot though.

Profile Not Available said...

I am always amazed when I see these miles from any store, and left by the side of the road. I think some stores have the right idea perhaps, charging you to use the cart, and refunding your deposit when it is returned.

lv2scpbk said...

Good one for "S". There's a site called abused carts. The link is on my sidebar.

Reader Wil said...

In many of our shops you'll have to put a coin in a slot attached to the cart, in order to be able to use it. Thanks for showing your S photo!

Patty said...

Stay shopping carts are a problem here too. With the high cost of food, it is a shame that they are not used for what they are intended, but perhaps the one you saw was scapped and sold somewhere.

Louis la Vache said...

When "Louis" saw this photo with the shopping cart, he had to look at the title on the blog again to make sure he wasn't in The People's Republic of Berserkeley (Berkeley, CA), instead of Belgrade. What with the shopping cart and the bearded man with the balding pate but long hair, "Louis" thought he was viewing a scene from Telegraph Avenue. "Hey, buddy! 1968 was 40 years ago!"

Also, "Louis" noticed the 4-legged man was of ample enough girth that he thought perhaps the man had somehow appended 2 extra legs to facilitate weight distribution....

iBlowfish said...

I guess it more like a stray shopping cart, and somebody using it very wisely. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Four legs is different.

Unknown said...

Great picture and post - we have major problems with stolen shopping trollies too - though some now have automatic locks on the wheels if you take them to the boundary of the shop car park - won't budge after that!!


Chuck Pefley said...

The residents of Belgrade are certainly unique :) I think buying a simple "pair" of shoes is expensive, but I sure wouldn't want to have to by mine two pair at a time. Great post!!

Neva said...

Of course you know that happens here frequently for the homeless.....I like how you caught this ..nice.
My S is here
And here

Marie Reed said...

I'm glad the Serbians don't really have extra appendages!

Dragonstar said...

Good S post. Love the 4-legged passer-by!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.