Friday, May 30, 2008

The sky's the limit.

Most buildings in downtown Belgrade average five-six floors, and in some older sections of town a bit less. Here we see an older building that has been "adapted" with three more floors on top; another entire building almost. I hope the planners did their homework...squish. (Happy birthday today to my husband, who should be reading this, and whose office is just around the corner up the street you see running perpendicular to the main one!)
P.S. The fellow on the right is setting up his portable sock stand...


Dan said...

Wow, adding three stories to an existing building is quite a feat! I saw an apartment building in Rome that was supported by existing ancient columns, yikes!

That is an interesting stand. I have to say however, that pretty much all my socks are portable! ;)

Louis la Vache said...

This post reminds "Louis" of Paris. As you probably know, very few buildings in Paris are over 6 storeys high (7 by the typical U.S. way of counting). We can thank Baron Haussmann for much of the shape of Paris.

Jane Hards Photography said...

That's really interesting. I don't think I have come across building in my lifetime, such as this one, gaining extra floors. Better to renovate than demolish.

You should sign this up tp skywatch at Wiggers World. The sky is just perfect.

Pat - Arkansas said...

That's an interesting shot; if you can't spread out, go up! Like you, I hope the planners and architects did their homework. It would be a bit scary to occupy the ground floor.

Dogeared said...

Happy birthday to your hubbie!

And lovely photo of the Belgrade day - I do still stop by often, but usually when at work and I'm pushed for commenting time. I'm away this weekend and then a long weekend next week too, but hoping to get back to more regular commenting!

Chuck Pefley said...

And a belated Happy Birthday to your husband!

I like this photo very much ... especially the positioning of the people in the frame ... with the woman walking toward the edge. Nicely composed and executed!


 The sign on a sidewalk above an overpass reads "Careful!  Slippery!".  And it was. I gingerly ventured out, holding onto the oran...