Thursday, June 5, 2008

Double rainbow

A bit stormy part of the day yesterday, and when it cleared for a moment, we here in my part of town were greeted by a double rainbow. The dome you see is Belgrade's new sports arena, where the Eurovision Song Contest was recently held.


Jules said...

great rainbow...check out mentalpmama rainbow too

Brittany Kalaj Margulieux said...

This is astounding. What kind of camera do you use? Did you edit this photo at all?

Thanks! :]

Tash said...

Wow! A double rainbow. That is really rare. Beautifully captured. Did you see any of the Eurovision Contest? I saw a few on Youtube & liked the ones that were sung in the country's language.

iBlowfish said...

Wow! beautiful and I love your composition too. Well done.

Neva said...

This is a lovely shot....I love how you captured this!
and you are a little black dog. very nice!

Pat said...

Hello, and thank you for your compliments. I don't retouch my photos in a major way, just sharpen and perhaps lighten or darken. I use a Nikon D50 with various lenses.

Rosie said...

I love rainbows. I think it is to do with my mum brainwashing us.
It was a nice brainwash: she used to say that rainbow is a time for reconcilliation so my brother and I, who were in a permanet conflict when we were young, had to make friends whenever we saw a rainbow.

Anonymous said...

Really nice photo with the double rainbows. Nice too that it captures the new sports arena.

Profile Not Available said...

Beautiful, Bibi! I love the color of the sky!

alice said...

The atmosphere!

Igor Ursić Paja said...

Bibi, thank You for representing our city in such a good manner!!!!


Jane Hards Photography said...

This stunning. Not just the double rainbow, but how each one is at either end of the dome. A most unusual image.

Eurovision Song Contest was hilarious
as always.

Ming the Merciless said...

OMG, that is a gorgeous photo! What an excellent capture.

I remember the Eurovision Song Contest very well. It was quite popular when I was a kid.

Chuck Pefley said...

Yes, you did say it was raining :) Wonderful capture!!

Mental P Mama said...


raf said...

That's a beauty, Bibi! Like the harmony of those colors too.

Louis la Vache said...

Beautiful image! Rainbows can be very difficult to capture. See Chuck Pefley's rainbow at "One a Day, Mostly Seattle" for his Sky Watch post. If you don't have the link, "Louis" has it in the right side bar of SF Bay Photo.

Tall Gary said...

There was an entire Japanese TV special about a woman who went to Hawaii to spot a double rainbow because the seeing of one (one? a pair? ah, them?) is said to bring a special kind of auspiciousness or something.

On her last day in Hawaii she glimpsed a tiny piece of a second arc.

Then, not so long after, as I left the clinic where I had a Lasik operation, you guessed it; and in brilliant Southern California sunshine.

Hmm. Looking at your photo I wonder if there is a pot of gold somewhere in that high rise.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with the whole atmosphere of your photo...reminded me of a theatre stage, but cannot see what's on, "west side story"?..

vero said...

Nice photo, I like rainbow, two...are all the better,


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.